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SKU   spirulina Powder 6lb Spirulina platensis Bulk Wholesale
code   sp1
Title   Spirulina Powder 6lb platensis Blue Green Algae, Weight Loss, Amino Acids, Vitamins
Spirulina Powder 6lb platensis Blue Green Algae, Weight Loss, Amino Acids, Vitamins

Spirulina   USA



Six pounds powder


 Mix the powder in your "green" Smoothies, or 1 teaspoon in water per day.

What is spirulina?

Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae, which is a simple, one-celled type of algae that lives in warm, alkaline fresh-water lakes.

The word spirulina is derived from the Latin word for helix or spiral; which describes the the physical attributes of the spirulina itself, as it forms curly, swirling, microscopic strands.

Spirulina contains a high level of the Essential Amino Acids , including:

  • Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) - a rich source of this omega 6 fatty acid
  • Arachidonic acid (AA) - an omega 6 fatty acid
  • Linoleic acid (LA) - an omega 6 fatty acid
  • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) - an omega 3 fatty acid
  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) - an omega 3 fatty acid
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) - an omega 3 fatty acid


Spirulina also contains many vitamins:

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamin)
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin)
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid/folate)
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E

Spirulina also contains many minerals:

  • Calcium
  • Chromium
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Selenium
  • Sodium
  • Zinc

Important spirulina facts

  • Spirulina is described as a "superfood" as it contains a high level of many nutrients
  • Spirulina is also a probiotic
  • Spirulina contains unusually high amounts of protein, between 55 and 77% by dry weight, depending upon the source
  • Spirulina is a complete protein food (as it contains all the essential amino acids)
  • Spirulina is a more superior protein to all standard plant protein
  • Spirulina can produce 20 times more protein per hectare than soybeans
  • Spirulina is a rich source of potassium and other minerals
  • Spirulina is a rich source of many vitamins
  • Spirulina is a rich source of the essential fatty acid GLA, as well as other omega 6 fatty acids and omega 3 fatty acids
  • Spirulina also contains phytochemicals, such as carotenoids (the orange coloured antioxidant), chlorophyll (blood purifier), and phycocyanin (a blue pigment), a protein that inhibits cancer


Why spirulina is important?

Studies have shown that spriulina can inhibit HIV cells (these experiments were conducted in test tubes and not on live subjects yet).

By stimuling the production of antibodies, spirulina enhances the immune system, which improves resistance to disease. Spirulina stimulates the production and activation of the white blood cells that enhance immunity - macrophages, T cells and B cells.

Spirulina also improves digestion and absorprion, by protecting and enhancing the levels of "good" bacteria in the gastro-intestinal system and decreasing any "bad" bacteria such as candida albicans

Botanical: Spirulina platensis

Family: Lichinaceae  (lichen)
Other common names:  Blue Green Algae, DIHE, Tecuitlatl 

Spirulina is sometimes called the greatest nutritional food source on earth and is also thought

to be a powerful immune system stimulant, an effective antioxidant that fights free radicals

and a supplement that helps control cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Spirulina is the world's richest natural source of both Vitamin B-12 and beta-carotene, beta sitosterol, biotin, folic acid, alpha linolenic acid (omega 3), gamma linoleic acid (omega 6), vitamins C and E, polysaccharides, calcium (more than milk), niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, pyridoxine, iron, phosphorous, protein (twenty times as much as soybeans growing in an equal-sized area), 62% amino acid content (all nine that the body must derive from food and the building blocks of life), the nucleic acids RNA and DNA, chlorophyll and the polypeptide, phycocyanin (the pigment found only in blue-green algae/Spirulina that has increased the survival rate of mice with liver cancer in laboratory experiments).

Beneficial Uses:

Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids can moisten mucous membranes.
Spirulina is said to be an extremely potent and healthy energy booster. Olympic athletes have been known to take Spirulina for endurance, as it reduces the buildup of lactic acid in muscles.  The  reduction of lactic acid also helps the recovery rate after strenuous exercise.  Spirulina is believed to increase physical sharpness, as well as improve mental acuity and clarity.

Spirulina is a powerful tonic for the immune system and is thought to activate the key immune T-cells, B-cells and anti-cancer Natural Killer cells (NKs), as well as macrophages that engulf and kill germs and fight infection and disease.

Spirulina is considered an excellent antioxidant. The beta-carotene content acts as the antioxidant that is said to reduce the progress of certain malignant growths and neutralize and eliminate free radicals produced by nuclear irradiation. The Vitamin E and the superoxide dismutase found in Spirulina are also strong antioxidants that combat ageing and infection.

The high natural beta-carotene content in Spirulina is said to help improve eyesight and avoid night blindness . High in B12.

The chlorophyll in Spirulina helps to maintain a healthy gastrointestinal system, cleanse the bowel, and aid the digestive process. 

The non-saturated fatty acid (gamma linolenic acid) in Spirulina is believed to strengthen cell membranes, thus reducing infection, and the polysaccharides produced by Spirulina have been thought to keep the HIV-1 virus from replicating.   It is also said to rid the intestines of Candida albicans  infection, which may commonly lead to malnutrition in AIDS patients.

Spirulina is believed to help in weight loss programs by curbing the appetite, and according to a 1986 study, overweight patients showed a significant reduction of body weight after including Blue Green Algae in the diet for four weeks.


Spirulina is also thought to be good for people with hypoglycemia who may benefit from using it between meals, because its high protein content helps to stabilize blood sugar levels.

Spirulina is said to reduce the LDL (bad cholesterol) levels in the blood, while increasing the production of HDLs (good cholesterol). This activity promotes greater blood circulation and may therefore reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks.

Ships to US, Canada, Mexico, Japan, UK. only.


Discounted Price   $120.00
Regular Price   $0.00
Weight (lbs)   6.30
Item   c1567
Suggested Products   Spirulina Powder 1lb (16oz)
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